Enchanted by Linda Heavner Gerald

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Enchanted: Dotties Story  is a romantic suspense by Linda Heavner Gerald

Cover Enchanted by Linda Heavner Gerald

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The young woman waited alone by a marble column inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Anxiety and fear escalated to panic, as she realized that she did not possess a memory. A stranger, Harry Grover, approached with the perfect solution. With a smile, he explained that he was a recent widower with a large estate. She should accompany him to the New York countryside of Duchess County. Unsure of any other options, the beautiful stranger with blue-black hair followed him into his black limousine. They were swallowed by the darkness.

A Word from the Author

Photo Author Linda Heavner GeraldEnchanted is my ninth novel. Writing is a gift from God. I never dreamed of being an author. It all started with a vision. When I prayed for direction, I felt led to write my first book, Beaufort Betrayal. Stories about sleepy coastal towns appeal to my love of sailing and water. After the first book, I was hooked. Daily, I write or work on marketing my books.
Enchanted really wrote itself. The two characters are delightful. My heart broke at the situation they faced. How difficult to live in a house with someone whom you love but find it impossible to act on your feelings. So it was with Mr. Grover and Elizabeth. At the end, the pain of their situation is almost unbearable. Each book which I write finds me attached to the characters. When the story ends, I miss them. They become as old friends. These two are so special. The humor they portray despite the impossibility of their love is contagious!
(Linda Heavner Gerald, July 2016)



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