All She Wrote by Charmaine L. Glass

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All she Wrote by Charmaine L. Glass


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All She Wrote by Charmaine L. Glass is a collection of free-verse poetry examining intimate and soul-searching emotions from falling in love to finding one’s self. First written in the early to mid 2000’s, Charmaine waited over a decade to continue writing to bring the collection full circle. With a greater understanding, she offered stronger words of encouragement and spiritual essays of profound hope.

A Word from the Author

author-charmaine-glass-pictureAll She Wrote by Charmaine Glass is a free-verse poetic journey of heartbreak and longing to self-discovery and spiritual triumph. Originally conceived in 2003 but published in 2016, All She Wrote presents an unprecedented display of growth through the author that is typically unseen in books written over a shorter period of  time. What readers will enjoy most about Charmaine’s collection of poetics is her innate ability to rise above the grief and heartache that she showcases. She sings a song of hope, a cry for spiritual guidance, and carries consistent themes of strength and perseverance through conflicting emotions and words that will hook the reader until the very end.

(Charmaine L. Glass, November 2016)

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