Kathryn Freeman

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Author Kathryn Freeman


A pharmacist by training, I’ve spent most of my life working for the pharmaceutical industry, writing about medicines. A few years ago I decided to see if I could write about something far more interesting. Something I’ve read avidly since I was a girl (and still do). Romance. I now juggle my time writing about the two – and hoping I don’t get them confused.

I live in a village outside Windsor in England with a husband and two teenage sons. It’s often said that it’s part of a parent’s job to embarrass their children. I can certainly say I’ve achieved that.


Do Opposites Attract?

Do Opposites Attract by Kathryn Freeman

Search for the Truth

SEARCH FOR TRUTH by Kathryn Freeman


Website: http://kathrynfreeman.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathrynfreeman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KathrynFreeman1