I have been writing for as long as I can remember. As a child, I loved creating stories and making up characters. During my youth, I received several awards for creative writing and research papers I wrote, and a love affair with poetry ignited. I began writing poetry around the age of ten and had several poems published in my high school’s literary magazine. I earned a college scholarship for a poem I published and it appeared in a national publication that same year. It was also during this time that I began playing around with writing novels. I started off just creating stories in a notebook, most of which I don’t even have anymore. After graduating from high school, I continued to write stories, that’s where the Scrubs series began. In graduate school, I took a few classes about Gifted and Talented Education. During that time, I co-wrote an article that was published in a statewide educational journal. I’ve been writing poetry and fiction ever since.
Aside from the Scrubs series, I currently have two other works in progress, a Young Adult fantasy book and an adult crime novel. When not writing, I teach full time. I love gardening, photography, nature walks, and listening to music from various genres. I currently reside in South Central Texas, but have lived in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. I’m a Pacific Northwest girl and consider Seattle my home.
I am a member of the Texas Association of Authors, the Texas Authors Institute, and was recently added as a member of Romance Writers of America.
(L. M. Nelson, 22nd May 2016)
The Guardian
Scrubs Series
Book 1 – Scrubs
Book 2 – Sand & Sutures
Book 3 – Beyond the Hardwood
Book 4 – Centre Stage
Website: https://lmnelsonscorner.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorlmnelson/
Twitter: @authorlmnelson
Amazon USA Author Page: http://amzn.to/1s4sKtI
Amazon UK Author Page: http://amzn.to/1s4t1Nx