📚 Book Advertising Packages for Authors 📚

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(Note: We do not automatically charge our clients (i.e. no automatic recurring payments)).

Book Advertising Packages for Authors:

One Month Promo – first book $10, for each extra book add $5.

You also get:

– An Author Page here on circleofbooks.com

– A page about the book here on circleofbooks.com

– Daily posts on X (Twitter), Threads, Instagram using a custom banner

– One post on Pinterest.

To subscribe to a promo please contact us via e-mail: admin@circleofbooks.com

– Interview – add $15

– Book Review Service – please contact us for more details – e-mail: admin@circleofbooks.com

If you are interested in one of our Promo Packages please contact us via e-mail: admin@circleofbooks.com and you will receive instructions about payment (we work with Paypal) and what we need from you to create the book banner(s).