S.M.A.F.U.: Situation Married All F$”&#d Up is an inspirational Romantic Comedy by Michael Bosso
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When an elderly, and worldly, neighbor notices the impending end of a failing marriage she decides to step in and share her wisdom and life experience. If she can’t help save the marriage, perhaps she can at least soften the pain.
SMAFU is a story of strife and redemption; infidelity and loyalty; misunderstanding and learning to understand.
Whether you are looking for a feel-good novel to inspire you to explore your dreams; a novel to help you affirm that you are not alone; or something to help you sit down and open up a new line of communication with your significant other, SMAFU will change your life.
S.M.A.F.U is an expanded version of the original novel entitled “Cherisse”.
“Before we made our first monthly payment, we had “christened” every room in the house just to find out which one was the best room to make love in. I think, if we could have gotten away with it, we probably would have set the bed up in the kitchen. It had the best access to both the coffee and the refrigerator. It really would have been a perfect setup. I suppose, in the new house, we’ll eventually “christen” our bedroom, but we’ll have to make sure the kids are in bed, the stereo is on to cover any noise, and the lights are turned off just in case our youngest decides to wander in. That’s assuming, of course, we both aren’t so tired we don’t just limit ourselves to hallway sex in the morning. You know, flipping each other off as we pass by heading towards the coffee, or back to the shower.”
A Word from the Author
At first look, Cherisse is a romantic comedy unlike anything else in the modern romance genre. It was written during a time in which I was working on a dark, gritty and disturbing novel (coming soon by the way) and I needed to give my increasingly troubled mind a break. I wanted to write something that gave hope and enjoyment to the world. I think I succeeded.
The story centers around a troubled marriage and the interactions with a wonderful elderly lady that lives next door. She’s smart, worldly, witty and quite freely dispenses her advice and wisdom to anyone that will listen. The marital problems are based on realistic, day to day issues and the growing distance every couple experiences over time as life’s pressures and demands pull them apart.
Although the novel is a true romance novel (love, sex, infidelity, romance) it has also become somewhat of a viral marital/relationship aid in the real world. The nature of the novel, and the relatable characters, have struck a nerve with so many people that several have begun to take Cherisse’ advice to heart and implement changes in their own interactions with their spouses and significant others.
Because the book is written from a male perspective, both men and women have enjoyed the story and have used it as a tool to begin discussions and bring them closer together. This phenomenon was certainly not my intent, but I have to admit that I’m honored and thrilled that it has helped as well as entertained so many.
(E. Michael Bosso, 21th April 2016)
Click here to visit the author’s page
Our Review
From all the romances I have read this one is the one I will remember the most and certainly will read it more times. Michael Bosso is a phenomenal author, he presents us this couple who has three kids and is on the brink of divorce. Mary and Steve are fleshed out in a way that they couldn’t be more realistic. Mr. Bosso makes us cry with them, laugh with them, heck even want to slap them. We see all the anger, resentment and ofcourse the love that are involved in such a situation. By chance Mary and Steve come across Cherisse and this woman will change their lives forever…
This book is not just a romance it includes great humor, sarcasm and an outstanding amount of wit and it is written by a man which makes everything take on a different ( I could say even fresher) perpspective. It is a must for both women and men, married and single. It will teach you a lot about relationships, what to do and what not to do. Enjoy and learn from it while you have an opportunity!
Thank you Michael Bosso for the free copy provided.