Tears of Gliese is the second book of the scifi series – Capicua Chronicles by Bruno Goncalves.
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In the aftermath of Lograin Air Base’s destruction, the Earth Federation Force rallies around its newly acquired prize, preparing the terrain as a springboard for an assault on Leiben, the self-declared capital of Capicua. From the surrounding forest, a special unit of Capicua’s indigenous mobile suits emerges, making it clear that the earthlings’ plan won’t be quite so easy to put into action.
Defeated by fate and betrayed by his commander, Sergeant-cadet Toni Miura is subject to court-martial. As the secret clans and organizations of his home-planet come into focus before Toni’s eyes, he finds himself forced to choose sides.
To the far north, where eternal day and perpetual night hold their long-standing meeting, the citizens of a remote research hub rally around an old strength, desperately hoping to win their freedom. They will discover soon enough, however, that in order to do so they will first have to protect their sworn enemy.
Families and factions alike will collide in this second installment of the Capicua Chronicles.
A Word from the Author
Tears of Gliese, the second installment of the Capicua Chronicles, follows the gradual descent of a peaceful settler community into the chaos of military conflict. The history of those who established themselves on Capicua, an exoplanet which orbits its Red Dwarf host star once every 28 earth-days, was hardly uneventful, but still Mankind managed to steer clear of open warfare and settled into a stable, if somewhat precarious, harmony. The arrival of the earthborn, however, changes all that, and it soon becomes apparent that the long peace has left the indigenous population unprepared for the interlopers’ astonishing technology and casual savageness. As the old orders slowly crumble away, only the desperate efforts of mobile Suit drivers on both sides of the conflict appear capable of spearheading the path to victory. But which spear will prevail over the other?
(Bruno Goncalves, 21st April 2016)
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Check out the other books in the same series
Book 1 of the Capicula Chronicles: Descent into Mayhem