Catch the Moon, Mary is a novel by Wendy Waters

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A magical story about a gifted, vulnerable girl who is both saved and damned by an angel who falls in love with her music and claims it in a devilish pact. With Mary in his thrall, he ruthlessly kills all those who threaten his grand plan to bring Mary to Carnegie Hall where her talent will be hailed as supreme.
Ghost story, horror story, thriller, fantasy, fairy tale noir. Catch The Moon, Mary defies classification in its originality and exuberance.
Award winning author, singer and lyricist, Wendy Waters writes prose that soars with breath-taking beauty.
A Word from the Author
Catch the Moon, Mary began as a philosophy when I was volunteering my services as a singing teacher at a Salvation Army Crisis Centre for homeless youth in inner-city Sydney. I was overwhelmed by the stories these young people told me –tales of physical, sexual and mental abuse drove them onto the streets where they’d rather take their chances with strangers and hunger than risk violent episodes at home. I’ve always had a strong connection with the unseen world – visits from spirits, sprites and angels and my conversations with them have been and remain positive and supportive. Their focus is never on my mundane daily struggles but on my aspirations and goals and how best to achieve them. I began working with these young people the same way, redirecting conversations about the past to a focus on their personal strengths and an attainable future given commitment and timely support. We couldn’t change the past but the future was unwritten.
I began writing Catch the Moon, Mary at this time. Mary Granger is a child prodigy – a shy, awkward musical genius suffering abuse and ridicule at the hands of her father and her peers at school. To escape her sad reality Mary disappears into her music and the imaginary worlds it gives rise to. One night her melody attracts an angel who offers protection, love and a guarantee of fame. She readily accepts. But as the years peel away Mary realises the angel has fallen from grace and is using her music to reconnect with God. Once again Mary is being abused by someone she should have been able to trust and the only way she can find personal freedom is to break her contract with him and pursue her own path. My philosophy is that each of us must nurture our soul’s highest reach. No-one can clear the path for you, not even an angel. Part of life’s unfolding journey is the discovery of your own strength and mastery. Decent angels and decent human beings will take your hand from time to time but the journey towards self-realisation is a solitary one taken in the sight of God.
(Wendy Waters, 10th May 2016)
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