Scrubs by L. M. Nelson

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Scrubs is a contemporary romance by L. M. Nelson

Front cover Scrubs by L M Nelson


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Randy Hanson, charming playboy and son of a wealthy doctor, strives to reach one goal—graduating from medical school. Medical school is challenging enough without the added stress Randy is faced with in combatting constant badgering from one of his classmates, suffering through countless and unnecessary ‘pimping’ acts from higher level medical personnel, and coming to the aid of his best friend, Jim Ryan, as he recovers from personal turmoil. Randy’s life turns upside down and becomes even more complicated when he realizes he is developing deep emotional feelings towards a spunky collegiate sorority girl by the name of Jane Davine. Jane is facing her own demons with a domineering father and attempting to overcome the life-altering death of her mother.
Randy and his friends take on the stress of medical school together and lean on each other, bonding as professionals, growing and maturing into responsible adults, and becoming closer friends than they had ever been before. Will they all meet their goal and graduate together, or will the pressure become too much for them to handle?

A Word from the Author

Author L. M. Nelson 320x461Writing the Scrubs series was a project I began before I started college. Over the years, the project evolved into what it is now. As I grew and matured as a person and a writer, my characters grew right along with me. As college students and new graduates, my characters worked to build their careers and establish themselves in the adult world, all while struggling with relationship issues and trying to overcome other life-related problems. Throughout the process, they discover who they are and learn that they are stronger than they think they are.

Life is full of ups and downs, and various stages in life come with their own challenges. My goal with Scrubs was to make the books as realistic as possible. I wanted the characters to have real lives with real problems people could relate to. Each book was written during a different phase in my life, and each character represents a bit of who I am. My characters had to overcome obstacles, many of which, I, or someone close to me, also had to navigate through. So in a sense this series is a reflection of the stages of growth I went through during my life.

Because this series is medical themed, I had to do quite a bit of research. Luckily, I have a cousin who is a trauma surgeon, and I was able to gain insights from him about his experiences as he progressed through medical school and residency. Although challenging at times, this series was fun to write. The first two books focus on my main character Randy Hanson, and his friends. The last two books, still in the revising and editing process, focus on the second generation of Hansons, who encounter a whole new batch of problems associated with growing up.

(L. M. Nelson, 22nd May 2016)

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Other Books in the Same Series


 Book 2 – Sand & Sutures

 Book 3 – Beyond the Hardwood

 Book 4 – Center Stage

Cover and & Sutures (Scrubs Series Book 2) by L. M. Nelson front-cover-beyond-the-hardwiood-by-l-m-nelson  Front cover Center Stage by LM Nelson



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