Footprints on the Other Side is a Action, Mystery, Thriller by Tobey Alexander
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Jack James is not a man to be tamed. Imprisoned in Dinymour, a long forgotten asylum, Jack finds himself tortured and interrogated. Fighting the system is his only choice and by doing this he must secure his freedom. As Jack learns the truth behind his captivity he begins to understand that truth are lies and not everything is as it seems. Jack’s freedom comes at a price, but is it a price he is willing to pay?
A Word from the Author
Jack James, a retired Royal Marine has taken to specialist employment with his friend Karl Amis. On their latest contract Jack finds himself captured and alone. Locked inside a long forgotten asylum known only as Dinymour, Jack must make new allegiances and friendships to secure his freedom. This freedom comes at a price and Jack must fight to escape but as the fresh air hits his face Jack has no idea what he is really escaping. In an exciting thriller Jack’s journey is fraught with mystery, intrigue and danger where nothing is truly what it seems.
Footprints On The Other Side was a labour of love. A fledgling idea became something of an obsession in writing alongside work and becoming a father. The story was as much a chellenge to write as it was to balance alongside all the other demands. Many knockbacks after its completion the book fell to the dusty archives of an old laptop and it was only when the laptop was ready for disposal that the files were found again. Filled with the prospect of Independent publishing a whole re-edit went underway and a new fire was stoked.
Footprints On The Other Side had originally been the name of another story but having written the Jack James story it seemed to fit the context of this story perfectly and so it was born. Empowered by a new world of self publishing it was time to take that step from the anonymous writer world to daring to share the works that had swallowed so much time and attention.
(Tobey Alexander, June 2016)
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