Bad Memories by Douglas Sandler

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Bad Memories by Douglas Sandler

Cover Bad Memories by Douglas Sandler

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Three people died and they didn’t believe him at the asylum, if fact they fired him and took his license. They sure as hell didn’t believe him when his best friend and co-worker at the asylum was murdered and when more bodies showed up. Get the book to find out if John Miller lives or dies and does he get his life and career back?

A Word from the Author

photo author Douglas SandlerBad Memories is about a former doctor who tried to stop corruption and abuse at the asylum. Three people died under his care and he was blamed, disgraced and fired. He has to deal with that past and discover the connections between himself, his murdered friend/former doctor at same place, Dr. Younger (who wanted Miller gone) and the heirs who have surprising and shocking connections to the current murders and himself.

I based the books events from the real life abuses and corruption of Penhurst and Letchworth Village, two asylums that were closed for massive patient abuses and corruption. I wanted a doctor who tried but failed to stop it and he has to deal with the Bad Memories,

(Douglas Sandler, June 2016)


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