‘Promise me you won’t go to Beirut’ is a memoir by George J. Thomas
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Intriguing anecdotes and adventures experienced in the 67 countries visited by the author. Travelling in some of the more remote and troubled parts of the world: Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iran and former Soviet countries. These memoirs encompass many of the significant events of the late 20th century.
A Word from the Author
My travel memoir ‘Promise me you won’t go to Beirut’ initiated at the behest of my eleven grandchildren, relates to my experiences with Cuban revolutionaries, war-torn Beirut, the Shah’s Iran, and Portugal’s carnation revolution. My experiences in former soviet countries after the collapse of communism, and my inter-reaction with many significant events of the late 20th century.
Origin of the book’s title:
‘Prior to leaving Glasgow on this particular Middle East trip, my wife had said to me ‘Promise me you won’t go to Beirut?’
I had categorically assured her that there was absolutely no way I would risk visiting Beirut, even though it was experiencing a temporary lull in the civil war, following the invasion by the Syrian army. Now here I was in Cairo, in disgusting conditions with the tempting offer of a clean hotel where I could relax, finish my business with Habib and then continue on to Iran, the next country on my itinerary. Habib was adamant that there was no risk for me going to Lebanon, and even booked me into the Commodore Hotel the well-known wartime hotel in West Beirut where all the journalists covering the war used to stay.’
(George J. Thomas, September 2016)
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