The Dance of the Jester by Koos Verkaik
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Suddenly, at the end of the twenty-first century, the world changes. The tycoons rule and name themselves kings. The times are rife with extravagance and decadence, extreme power and richness. The world is one big party. And there is chaos!
No one seems to wonder how this all came to be. No one seems to wonder what is actually happening. No one seems to care about anything anymore. Except for some odd outsiders. One of them is Oscar Man, the illegitimate son of tycoon Otto Man. Once he was a prince; then he became a pariah, a jester, with nothing to lose for himself and so much to win for the world…
In these turbulent times, the Second Renaissance, strange creatures come into power and try to subject every single human being to their will. They make the poor jester Oscar Man dance. But ultimately Oscar will manage to solve the biggest problems the world has ever faced!
A Word from the Author
The Dance of the Jester brought me from The Netherlands to the USA: Mr. Bill Thompson (the editor of Stephen King and John Grisham) invited me to discuss the book. On a scorching hot day, we found ourselves in his office in the Empire State Building in New York and together we revised and polished the manuscript and made changes in the plot.
The book is published in The Netherlands (De Dans van de Nar) and now in the USA.
I call it my most intellectual book.
(Koos Verkaik, November2016)
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