Skybound Satanists
by Luc Spark
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A young male is stealthily ambushed and savagely attacked in a dark medieval alleyway in Eastern Europe. This attack imprints him with a new sense of identity and he adopts a loyal group of companions by consequence. Two University students are at loggerheads with each other over their social lives and future career prospects.
In 15th century Romania an accountant is under severe stress at his place of work and is in a battle with his own personal demons, can he hold his sanity together for the sake of his marriage?
An irritable time traveling horse is getting increasingly fed up with being used as free transport.
An ancient alien race is watching over planet earth with increasing concern over a possible doomsday scenario and the end of humanity. Fate rests on a scroll hidden from the eyes of mere mortals.
Destiny lies in the hands of a vampire coven with one member in particular who will be the anti hero and link between earth and the stars
A Word from the Author
A initially began to write this book at the age of 23 as purely a part time hobby. The concept of the book was inspired by classic Tom Clancy novels and the novel Interview with a vampire. I wanted to write something familiar to fans of vampire novels but with a unique and intriguing twist.
The book spans many time periods and locations from around the globe. Spoofy in tone and with a element of suspense I wanted to appeal to many types of book readers.
I had drafted up about 40,000 words when I took an hiatus away from writing this novel around 12 years ago, only to begin to fire up Microsoft word again in 2016 . Luckily I had kept a copy of the first draft on floppy disk(who remembers those).
The decision was made I had to complete my debut novel and release it into the world.
Skybound Satanists has been my carefully crafted baby over an on and off 12 year period.
Action, Comedy, Suspense and intrigue generated through a wide scope of characters ranging from Vampires to a time travelling horse. The fate of the world is at stake.
(Luc Spark, January 2018)
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