George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of
Blossom Valley
by Helen Fox.
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After his parents are killed, George, the Orphan Crow, starts a new life among the lively creatures of Blossom Valley and the enchanting butterflies that live there. But all is not as it seems… an evil ladybird, envious of the butterflies’ beauty lures them to a remote place with a wicked plan in mind. George becomes suspicious and flies out looking for them. But is he too late? Has the wicked ladybird already put her plan into action? This original, intriguing story is mainly told by the colourful characters that make up the community and will fascinate readers of all ages.
Our Review
George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley is an enchanting story written by Helen Fox.
Not everyone can write such a story like this, everything is beautifully put together. It’s not easy to write for children but when an author through their story telling mesmerizes also the adults then we know that the author is a master story teller, Helen has put a lot of love into this book and it shows. I loved all the adventure and even the mystery wrapped around Blossom Valley. As a lover of Greek mythology I loved the small bits thrown in too.
Certainly we can easily tell that Helen loves nature and all kinds of living things. The characters were all created beautifully and with love. As in real life we find the struggle of good against evil, those who think that by being mean and evil they can attain quickly and easily power and control over others. This couldn’t be further from the truth as the author shows us when she tells the story of the community who lives in Blossom valley, because when one exercises friendship, compassion and love we will not control others but they all will be wanting to be part of whole and will work together for the good of all living beings.
Among other lessons, in this story one learns that it is very important how one reacts to what happens to him/her in life, some people when experience hardship and trying times they become bitter, envious, jealous and lash out at others but those who have a good heart are courageous and even hurting bad will learn from the lessons of life that loving and helping others will also help heal their own wounds and come out of ordeals not weaker but stronger.
As I mentioned above Helen is a master story teller and when I was reading the adventures of George the Orphan Crow I was visualizing the creatures he came in contact with and all those places he went to, it was all so beautiful and colourful in my mind, everyone will love this book and will want to read more about what happens next.
A Word from the Author
Plato, the old owl of Penny Wood, is having a nap up on his tree top, when the
wailing carks of a crow jolt him awake. He looks around and finds a young
crow crying his little eyes out for the loss of his parents the hunters have shot
down. He comforts him that all is not lost; he will send him to Blossom Valley
where the compassion, love and friendship of the kind creatures of the
community, will help to sooth his pain. When Plato finds the crow hasn’t got a
name, he names him George.
George is enchanted by the magical beauty of his new home; the Ant Village,
the Music Hall and the Hospital. He is welcomed into the community by all
kinds of creatures who become his friends.
Blossom Valley is alive with happiness and activity and George starts to enjoy
himself. He likes the evening gatherings when all creatures get together, listen
to each other’s stories and news and have fun. Crows compete against the
rabbits at a game of conker football, squirrels perform acrobatics on tight ropes
high in the trees and Speedo, the storyteller snail, has his audience rolling with
laughter. And each day, before darkness falls, the whole community sings the
‘Good Night’ song, and that means bedtime for Blossom Valley.
Each day dawns as joyful as the one before, until… there comes one, when an
ominous dark cloud gathers over the valley. Hostile creatures plan to ruin their
lives and take over their land. A community of peace and harmony is suddenly
turned into revenge and war, and Blossom Valley must prepare to face the
(Helen Fox, March 2018)
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