The Treachery of a Weasel
The sequel to The Roar of a Dragon
by Robert Blanchard.

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After their victory in Delmar, Aidan and his companions look toward their ultimate goal – stopping their nemesis, Sirak, once and for all. Sirak has taken over territories in the west, including the city of Min Lenoras, turning the inhabitants into the dreaded Ther-lor – mindless, yet nearly unstoppable creatures. If left unchecked, Sirak will continue to use the Dyn’osi ritual to convert entire cities to his cause, creating his vision of a perfect world.
But instead of being united against this terrible evil, the world is instead in a state of turmoil. People have formed a mob outside the Mage’s Tower in Lorehaven, demanding that the mages be held responsible for the forbidden magic that created the Ther-lor. Elves and dwarves distrust men, men distrust each other – the world is in no shape to battle the spreading horror of Sirak’s twisted vision. Knowing that he and his companions cannot stop Sirak themselves, Aidan works to get the people of the world on his side.
But along the way, Aidan will face an unforeseen circumstance leading to the disappearance of one of his closest companions. Driven to near-insanity, Aidan tries desperately to uncover the truth and save the companion, but along the way he finds more than he bargained for when a new foe emerges and Aidan realizes that there are more obstacles in their way than he thought.
A Word from the Author
The Treachery of a Weasel picks up right where The Roar of a Dragon left off, following Aidan and his companions on their quest to stop the evil Sirak from dominating the world. Some of the writing in this book is stuff that I wrote for the first book, but had to cut out because the first draft of The Roar of a Dragon was far too long. I really enjoyed the journey the characters took in this book, a very enjoyable yet completely different experience.
After they saved the people of Delmar from the threat of Sirak and the Ther-lor, Aidan and the companions turn their attention to Sirak’s new home of Min Lenoras, far to the east. What should have been a straight forward mission goes awry when one of Aidan’s companions goes missing, sending Aidan into a near frenzy. Further complicating matters, the reappearance of an old rival sets Aidan’s plans back farther, forcing him to realize that no matter how bumpy he believes the road to stopping Sirak will be, that road will always be much more treacherous.
(Robert Blanchard, November 2018)
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