White Abyss
by Stephanie Terault

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Hope is something Ryan Clancey has always had: for a happy marriage with his high-school sweetheart; for a safe return from Vietnam; for a daughter to be waiting for him on the home front. But Hope isn’t enough to calm the war raging in Lucille’s disturbed mind, and soon, Ryan finds himself in the firing line of his wife’s history—the last man standing.His battle to save their marriage marks the start of a dark, dismal abyss that will shadow the young soldier for the next two decades. How can he construct a future with the vestiges of an imperfect past? And with so many of Ryan’s milestones ending in pain, is it too much to believe that there might be light at the end of the tunnel…?White Abyss is a story about love, lies, heartache, and fear, and one man’s journey to rediscover Hope in the darkest of times.
A Word from the Author
White Abyss follows a young man, Ryan Clancey, throughout his life that is filled with turmoil. As he journeys through new obstacles at every turn, he learns more about himself, understanding who he really is.
His sanity is tested in every experience, specifically in that of finding love. What seemed would be an everlasting love at first sight, turned dark. As the love of his life’s story overflowed from the pages of her life, Ryan finds himself struggling to manage, but chooses to fight through.
Things seemed that they were turning around for the couple, but the timing was wrong. War called upon Ryan, sending him overseas as he discovers his wife is with child. Through all of the chaos, Ryan tries to stay sane for the sake of his new family back home.
Once he returns, he finds that nothing is the same. Change had consumed everything he knew and made a mess of what once was. Lies, love, loss, pain. Will Ryan make it to the light at the end of dark, dismal abyss that is now his life? One can only Hope.
(Stephanie Terault, December 2019)