by William Schumpert

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She is the all in your life- the loving daughter and the radiance that encompasses the very being. What would you give anything for that ray of sunshine? Would you give that everlasting love to her? At what price would you pay? Love only lasts forever… ‘It would seem rather bizarre yet I find there is no other conclusion after my frightful encounter the night before. I thought that I was insane and begged that it be insanity- but now I know it to be the truth.’
A Word from the Author
If you could bring back your love- and at what cost? What is the worth of your only sunshine? Kevin’s life is all about his 5 year old daughter Beth. And when a terminal illness threatens her life… what price will be made? What terrible price? Unspeakable horror awaits as the truth unfolds for the unfortunate Kevin. Everyone pays a price for love. Death and terror await the unsuspecting town of Rapisdville. Innocence becomes twisted. And a ray of hope becomes the beacon of horror. Those who loved her. Those who cared. Now trapped in a menacing setting. One of shock and horror. A setting of uncertainty. A sweet and innocent setting…
(William Schumpert, August 2020)
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