Witness to a Miracle
A Down Under Paranormal Experience with Life and Death
by Brian Smith.
(Paranormal, Spiritualism, Occult, Miracle, Ghost, Afterlife, Spiritual Possession, Non-fiction)

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THROUGHOUT life you will come across experiences to which there seems to be no answers. Not in this earthly lifetime, anyway. These experiences leave a deep impression within us, as we strive to understand. In this book, the author tells of several such experiences he has had as a young policeman and in his private life.
“We watched in wonder as his features gradually changed. We could not help but comment on the changes taking place. Our eyes were transfixed on him. We could not pull them away. Although we saw these changes occurring, we could not actually see any part of his body move. His body altered from that of a 61-year-old man to that of a little boy. He was perfect in every way. His features then gradually reverted to the way they were before. What we were seeing was impossible, yet it was happening right before our eyes. It was the most amazing and beautiful thing I have ever seen!”
As you read these stories you ask the question, “Why?” But the answer does not come. Everything must happen for a reason. We don’t know the reason but hopefully one day we will. Brian has tried many sources looking for answers but all to no avail. In this book, he tells of his own theories.
Please read this book with an open mind. There will be those who will find some of the contents hard to believe and had I not seen Rocky’s transformation with my own eyes I may have been one of them. But I did see it and I am left wondering, We really must believe that one day we’ll understand!
A Word from the Author
Witness to a Miracle is a true story where the author outlines experiences with the paranormal throughout his life, albeit it all being unknown to him at the time. He remained a sceptic about what was occurring around him, until the extraordinary experiences he and his three sisters encountered when a miracle happened before their eyes two days before the death of their beloved invalid brother.
The miracle they witnessed occurred slowly over a period of about twenty minutes, during which time they chatted freely among each other pointing out the various changes they saw taking place.
‘Witness to a Miracle’ ensures that what happened that day is recorded in print because it was so unbelievable, to be left to memory alone. It includes the fruitless search within religious and spiritual organisations over the following years for a plausible explanation of what may have taken place. To date no satisfactory explanation has been found.
What took place that day was witnessed by three people but remains an impossible happening because it defied the laws of physics.
How did it happen?
Why did it happen?
Was it a message of some kind?
Or had there been a spiritual possession involved that allowed two unfortunate souls to share the one body for 50 years?
It will leave you wondering and unable to come to a clear conclusion, but it will also make you think more deeply about these things than you ever have before.
(Brian Smith, 2021)
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