The Wayward Miss Wainwright
An Authentic Regency Romance
by Arabella Sheraton.

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When Helena Wainwright accompanies her two young nieces and her nephew to stay at Rotherham Park with their new guardian who is their uncle, the Duke of Rotherham, she agrees to remain for six months to help the children adjust to their new life. She finds the handsome, charming Duke of Rotherham to be the most insufferable, self-opinionated, domineering and arrogant man she has ever met. Unhappily, the duke also holds an unflattering opinion of Helena. “Wayward was the only word to describe such a determined, contrary, and obstinate young woman who defied him at every turn regarding the upbringing of his wards. He would be very glad to see her go.” The Duke of Rotherham is contemplating making Miss Emily Fanshawe, a beautiful, and (everyone thinks) well-bred young woman an offer of marriage. However, Emily has terrible secrets to hide, besides having a clandestine lover. Helena discovers Emily’s secrets and does not know which way to turn. If she reveals the truth to protect theduke’s social standing, she will betray Emily, with dire consequences. Besides, the duke seems determined to marry Emily, simply to prove a point, even though his godmother, Lady Mildred Ormsby has suspicions the Fanshawes are not who they say they are! Emily’s mother is hell-bent on marrying her daughter off to a rich, preferably titled, man. She will let nothing stand in her way, even stooping to abduction and possibly murder. Can Helena win in the face of heavy odds and the machinations of a wicked schemer? And will she want the Duke of Rotherham for herself when hidden elements of his romantic past come to light?
A Word from the Author
Apart from the characters, I love to include animals in my romances. Wuffles, the pug in this tale, is quite a character, and in fact later in the story is quite the hero. Pugs feature in many Regency novels and, in most of them, this cheerful little pooch is not portrayed in a very flattering light. The pugs of literature are generally depicted as spoiled, temperamental little brutes. In contrast to those featured in Austen and Heyer, the pugs of history are much beloved little fellows. Wuffles adds some wonderful levity to this charming romance. (Arabella Sheraton, 2021)
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