A Pack of Jacks
Book of Poems
Written by Rachael Jane Kirby.
Illustrated by Keely Marie Waddington.

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A brilliantly fun, rhyming read-aloud picture book, packed with cute doggies and the funny things they get up to.
A Pack of Jacks is a collection of rhyming stories for children with fun illustrations and pictures of the actual family of dogs that the books are based on. Rachael’s wonderful book of short tales is a lovely gift for children.
Featuring such pups as, Lucy Lou, who loves to lap up her dad’s cup of tea when he is not looking. Ruby, with her search for a comfortable place to sleep and Jake, who finds a juicy bone only to have it taken by Henry.
You will meet the whole family of dogs who live with their mum Rachael Kirby. Including Tilly, Lilly, Honey, Patch and Chester, helping teach children that dogs can be fun and truly are our best friends.
A Word from the Author
A Pack of Jacks is a collection of short rhyming tales for children. It is all about a family of dogs and their daily adventures and the fun they have. Aimed at younger children, the read-aloud picture book is a fun read with colourful illustrations.
Based on a real family of Jack Russell dogs, the reader will meet the actual dogs with photographs and short rhymes describing each of them in the second half of the book.
Rachael Kirby was inspired to write about her dogs when she realised how much they have helped with her sons, one of which was born with moderate learning difficulties and diagnosed Autistic at a young age.
Growing up, Daniel found it difficult to interact with the community, but he forged an everlasting friendship with the dogs who never judge and give love to their human counterparts unconditionally. Through the help of the pack of Jacks, he was able build on relationships with others and has built on this and now enjoys being able to mix with the local community.

Some of the Rachael`s stories reflect on this, showing that dogs do not discriminate and offer unconditional love. This inspired the short story of ‘Henry helps`. Henry is a dog who through his brilliant ball skills helped to introduce a little boy in a wheelchair to play basketball with a group of more able-bodied children.
Most of the rhyming tales are fun and will bring a smile, such as Lucy who likes to drink the tea out of daddy’s cup, when he isn’t looking. Some of the rhymes offer a more serious message. Such as Chester, who can be misunderstood and comes across as unapproachable, but underneath is really very sweet, in ‘Chester worries.’

Another serious message which Rachael has written, is where one of the doggies, Tilly, runs away and needed to be brought home by a police officer. (Tilly runs off). Again, this was actually inspired by the dogs. Tilly used to escape from the garden and really was brought home by the Police.

The other short rhyming stories feature dancing Patch, who wiggles and dances on two legs when he gets a treat, sweet Honey, who likes chocolate and Jake who loses a juicy bone that he found. There are also poems about Halloween and Christmas too.

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