Never on Monday
by Gary Clifton.
(Crime Noir/Crime Drama)

When Dallas homicide cops are called to Fat Sal’s Deli, they are greeted by a slaughterhouse littered with bodies, gore, and a slew of spent cartridges. The volatile mixture of deception, treachery, sex, and love has ignited into mayhem by machine gun fire…leaving behind a baffling crime scene. “Never on Monday” by Gary Clifton is a Mannison Minibook published by Mannison Press, LLC.
A Word from the Author
Never on Monday is a Mannison Minibook novelette wherein several victims are gunned down by machinegun fire in a downtown Dallas delicatessen, just after opening for the day in the early morning hours. Included in the dead are the deli’s owner, an organized crime “made guy”, several employees, and a uniformed Dallas Police Officer. Veteran Homicide detective Davis McCoy leads the investigation, which wends its way through a morass of infidelity, sexual promiscuity, and treachery…surprising even the hard-nosed murder cop.
Based on a true story investigated by the author himself, a career federal officer. Names and other key identifiers have been changed to protect the guilty.
(Gary Clifton, 2021)
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