Sorceress of the Sapphire & The Shadow King
Kingdom of Durundal Book 6
By S. E. Turner.

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Starting some sixteen years from where the last series ended, the Sorceress of the Sapphire introduces an incredible cast of new characters, as well as bringing back some of the treasured familiar ones. The setting is Castle Dru in Durundal, and the family are preparing for a celebration. But no one could foresee the rancour that would lead to a tragic turn of events.
For in the midst of this royal pageant — King Namir’s twin daughters are abducted and whisked away without a trace. Though before he flees the scene, the Shadow King puts a curse on the entire castle and suspends it in time.
Now it is up to the lone survivor to seek out the perpetrator and bring the girls back—alive.
Armed with a sword, a horse, and his faithful wolfhound at his side; Lyall’s son, Laith, must now follow a set of instructions: to find the Sorceress of the Sapphire, and defeat the Dark Lord’s most deadly disciple.
With mesmerising worlds, engaging characters and edge-of-your-seat plot; this book will have you spellbound long after the final page has been turned.
A Word from the Author
The premise of the first five books are about the people involved in saving Ajeya, plus those who are trying to kill her, or linked to her in some way. These characters form the structure of the prophecy –
The Kingdom of Durundal.
There are none who can say with certain knowledge when the Kingdom of Durundal began, yet this has not stopped the dragons, the kings, the sorcerers and other wise-ones from seeking the answer. What we do know is that the dragons ruled supreme and considered by many to be the dawn of time. It was about this time that two learned dragons each had a different dream of the future. The Dragon King foretold of the Dark Lord with his disciples of darkness to do his evil work and keep his subjects in a state of perpetual fear. The Dragon Queen foretold of the Goddess of the Temple with her followers of mystic fates, witches, and sorcerers to bring peace to the kingdoms and the dragons return. They both could see that a young girl would hold the key to the future of the kingdom—and whilst the fates, the witches, the sorcerers, would work together to ensure her and her descendant’s safety, the Dark Lord would do everything in his power to stop it. Thus a prophecy was born and the words were written.
With the prophecy in place, and the dragons beginning to disappear, it looked like the Dragon King was right. Man ruled the earth. Barbaric, uncivilised, numerous—most with a hunger for wealth, many corrupted by power. Untold riches were discovered in burial sites, along with the horror stories of how those riches were acquired. Many said that darkness would prevail and man would never be understanding of acceptance and beyond all evil.
The Dark Lord and his disciples of Death were ruthless. Hearts were broken, loved ones were lost, thrones were burned—yet … many good people did survive. The light was beginning to shine through. This twelve part series follows that remarkable journey of survival, of belief, of determination. An epic tale of triumph and tragedy, love and loss, and a reminder that warriors aren’t born, they are created.
.With Book 5 and the introduction of Sansara, the reader will know that the Sorceress of the Sapphire has been instructed by the Fates to protect those who are linked to Ajeya – we now have the three sequels where the new Sorceress has to battle with the Disciples of death.
1. Sorceress of the Sapphire & The Shadow King
This introduces Lyall’s son, the only survivor of a curse put on the castle by the Shadow King – the Dark Lord’s most deadly disciple. Laith is instructed to seek out the Sorceress of the Sapphire and defeat the Shadow King. His journey takes him on a trail of knowledge as well as a path of courage, all the while experiencing his first taste of love. He is assisted by several other mystic creatures, controlled by the Fates so that the prophecy can be upheld. But can they defeat the evil Shadow King and his army of the undead?
(S. E. Turner, 2022)
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