Green Toenail Soup and Bat Fuzz
written by Sharon CassanoLochman and illustrated by Lucy Belle.
(Children’s Fiction, Picture book, Fantasy, Mystical)

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Green Toenail Soup and Bat Fuzz by Sharon CassanoLochman “…is a delightful story that begs to be read aloud. Children will love the alliteration and rhymes in Tito’s magic spells, and the fanciful images that they bring to the imagination…The townspeople are a diverse, expressive, and comical lot who get carried away with Tito’s magic. The result is a lot of fun that is sure to please and entertain.” –Pamela Jean Horter-Moore author of LoveQuest and Brief Candles.
A furious storm has passed through the town of Madwacky, leaving behind a trail of thick fog. The townspeople run for help at the Wizard Academy, but the ancient Wizard is sick in bed. No one is willing to try…except for Tito—the youngest wizard trainee of all. Follow Tito and his wild and wacky chants as he tries to remember the magic words to bring back the rolling hills and meadow to the town of Madwacky.
“Toggly, taggly, tuzz. Green toenail soup, bat fuzz. Peevy, preamy, pie. Alligator shoe pudding, fuzzy fly…”
“Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers’ FavoriteGreen Toenail Soup and Bat Fuzz is a children’s picture book written by Sharon CassanoLochman and illustrated by Lucy Belle. The inhabitants of the town of Madwacky were quite unhappy with the weather conditions. First, there had been a storm and then a drenching fog rolled in and turned everything gray. They wanted their blue skies, green meadows, and bright yellow sun back — and they wanted them back now. The townspeople rushed to the Wizard Academy and called on the Wizard to help them get rid of the bad weather. Alas, the Wizard was ill and refused to leave his bed. The wizard trainees had not been instructed in the art of weather crafting, so they were unable to help either. But then the smallest of the trainees, Tito, spoke up. He was willing to try to help the townspeople. Tito was a bit nervous, clutching his blanket tightly, as he began his first incantation. Sharon CassanoLochman’s Green Toenail Soup and Bat Fuzz will remind adults of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and younger readers of Harry Potter as Tito tries his best incantations to less-than-optimal effect. And, in amongst the magic, wizardly robes and strange spells, a tribute to the “magic word” every kid learns as they are growing up is paid in dramatic fashion. CassanoLochman’s story is engaging and fun, and Lucy Belle’s evocative and imaginative artwork makes this tale of an enterprising and brave young wizard come to life. Can Tito bring back the good weather? Kids will want to read through the story to get to the answer. Green Toenail Soup and Bat Fuzz is highly recommended.
A Word from the Author

A furious storm has passed through the town of Madwacky, leaving behind a trail of thick fog. The townspeople run for help at the Wizard Academy, but the ancient Wizard is sick in bed. No one is willing to try…except for Tito—the youngest wizard trainee of all. Follow Tito and his wild and wacky chants as he tries to remember the magic words to bring back the rolling hills and meadow to the town of Madwacky.
(Sharon CassanoLochman, 2022)
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