Man with the Sand Dollar Face
by Sharon CassanoLochman.
(Pulp noir, Fiction, Crime Thriller)

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A Nail-Biting Pulp Noir Crime Thriller with a Hard-Boiled Amateur Sleuth.
A quirky widow in her early sixties takes her first job ever in a private investigator’s office. Arriving early she discovers an agitated man waiting at the door. He insists he must see the PI immediately. In the midst of his anxious demands, he clutches his chest and collapses. Shocked, she runs for help. Upon returning, the man has disappeared. The police are skeptical dismissive of her story. To prove she’s not a wacky woman, she attempts to find the missing man using only the cryptic note and he left in his place and his last words as her clues.
Meanwhile, the private investigator is onto something and tells her to retrieve a disc in his file cabinet which must be delivered to the police immediately.
As the story unfolds, everything hinges on finding the man with the sand dollar face.
A Word from the Author

Join author Sharon CassanoLochman as she brings the scents and sounds from the heart of New Orleans to her pulp noir crime thriller Man with the Sand Dollar Face laced with the hilarious antics of Hattie Crumford and riveting suspense. Hattie Crumford, a quirky widow in her early sixties, is sure to be a popular new character emerging in the fictional world of amateur sleuthing.
Follow Hattie through her spinning thoughts and wild imagination as she struggles to survive and understand the meaning of her own life and how it intersects with the mysterious Man with the Sand Dollar Face. Showing surprising courage and determination, Hattie is pushed to the limits trying to solve a murder mystery using only the cryptic note left on the office floor and a dead man’s last words for her clues.
A firm believer in the sanctioning of mind wandering, CassanoLochman has woven this fast-paced adventure with a 1940’s who-dun-it? flair through the streets of New Orleans, where you’ll smell the sweet aroma from the corner praline shop and feel the heart and pulse of the historic city in Sharon CassanoLochman’s gem of a suspenseful mystery novel, Man with the Sand Dollar Face.
(Sharon CassanoLochman, 2022)
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