Shameful Times
Lust, Love, Death & Redemption during The SPANISH INQUISITION
by Vera Lucia Lima.
(New Age Channeling, Christian Historical Fiction, Christian Inspiration )

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Love resists everything! Are you ready for the “After-death novel?”
Murder, scandal, love, buried truth, and gypsy spell.
This hidden saga of love between the mystic prophetess, Isa, and the noble royal advisor, Gutler, will transport you back in time. Their untold love story will help you to understand what happened to the mighty Royals of Spain, and their daughter, Princess Joanne.
The inquisitor – Cardinal Domingues, who led the Church of Rome, is driven by a desire for murder, torture, and suffering. He will stop at nothing to complete his mission of purging the world of those he deems less deserving.
Throw the mysterious gypsy, Maria Amalia, into the mix, and it causes a total spiritual confrontation between good and evil that can potentially ruin everything.
Shameful Times is a love & loss inspirational novel that tells a hidden story for centuries and exposes a forbidden Spell. Now is the time to uncover the real story.
A Word from the Author

I am a Brazilian author and spiritual channeler. I grew up in a large Christian family in Sao Paulo and immigrated to Australia when I was young. Back then, we all believed that spirituality only happened in a church, but with me, it just happened!
The Creator weaves our lives like a beautiful tapestry.
My mission was to write novels revealed to me in “channeling dreams” that sometimes spanned several months to bring readers awareness, to help them discover another level beyond this third dimension, and achieve spiritual evolution.
The spiritual dreams are “episodes” intertwined to form their natural narrative. The stories come to me from various locations, characters, and dialogues, though they are all set in distant times in the past. Each “episode” can take several hours to unfold and is revealed in astonishingly graphic details with vivid colors. I have neither previous knowledge of the history, period, or places revealed to the people in the stories nor me. I cannot explain this gift. Yet, when I wake, I record everything and remember it as if I had been present as a detached observer.
My books are translated into English, but I use some words I adapt from my native Portuguese so that they retain a similar meaning.
I like to drink my favorite Brazilian coffee and share my stories with readers, family, and friends who love to hear about other worlds and this new dimension.
I believe we are always exactly where we’re supposed to be, and here I am.
I find myself again sharing my stories; this time, it’s with you.
(Vera Lucia Lima, 2023)
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