I’m a Brazilian author, and I’ve been a lawyer for twenty-six years. During all those years, I’ve met a lot of different people and have been exposed to many different cultures, and I began to admire the human soul—that’s the basis of my work…human feelings and dramas.
I’ve loved books since I was a kid. My mother used to read stories to me, but I always wanted to hear more. I was desperate to learn how to read, so I wouldn’t have to rely on anyone else and could read as many books as I wanted. In first grade, I received a “Best Reader” certificate…yes, my love for books was declared. I admired authors who made me laugh and cry, and I wanted to be like them. Working as a lawyer, I could tell people’s stories, because in Brazil, we first defend our clients by writing to the judges and then we attend a hearing. After reading my work, several clients said I’d done a wonderful job. “You should be a writer!” they told me. Those words planted the seed, and one day, my brother, trying to count the number of books I have in my library, told me, “You should write your own book.” His statement reinforced the idea—someone who loved me had faith I could write something worthwhile. I decided to take the chance, and now here I am, telling my stories to the world.
I love the simple things in life, I to walk around barefoot at home, and I love to have my friends around and cook for them while we laugh and sip some wine. I love to dance—it’s a wonderful way to relax. I love animals—from the time I was a child, I’ve always owned a dog, and I can’t imagine my life without my canine companion. I’m addicted to movies and books—I buy a lot of books, and I usually read more than one at the same time…and I often skip ahead and read the last page before I read the first!
(A. Gavazzoni, September 2016)
Behind the Door