Author Anthony Ruggiero

I am currently a High School History Teacher at St. Agnes Academic High School in College Point, New York. My inspiration for this book, as well as my interest in women’s history in general, comes from both the strong women who have raised me, as well as the fact that I teach in an all-female high school. I feel that through writing, I am able to honor them for their influence on my life. In addition to teaching, I have been published in several magazines and blogs. For example, I have been published previously in History Is Now magazine, Historic-U.K. magazine, Tudor Life magazine, Discover Britain magazine, The Odd Historian magazine, the Culture-Exchange blog, Inside History magazine, Adventures In Historyland blog, The New York History Review, Tudor Dynasty, Ancient Origins and The Freelance History Writer blog. Through continuing to research and write, I am able to share my findings with my students in order to engage them in their learning and help them succeed. My work can also be viewed on my Twitter handle: @Anthony10290122
(Anthony Ruggiero, August 2020)
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Mary Tudor – A Story of Triumph, Sorrow and Fire