Author James L. Rickard

Aspiring Pulitzer winner James L. Rickard calls the mountains of West Virginia home and lives in a town which was the first land battle of the Civil War. After an ancestor search, he discover he is a distant relative of both Wyatt Earp and Butch Cassidy which was a great help, if not inspiration, in writing Westerns. Following a stint in Westerns, he immersed himself into the world of Science Fiction although his relatives were neither aliens, zombies nor any other type of mutant beings. Although he failed in his attempt to link himself to Kurt Vonnegut and J.D. Salinger, he studied Journalism and Photography followed by time in customer service which he always looked at as an alternate reality.
(James L. Rickard)
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The Charlie Hobbs Saga
Book 1: Grandpa Wore a Six-Gun

Book 2: Treasure of the Ant People

Book 3: Once Upon a Time With Grandpa

Book 4: The Windmill Portal