Author Mikaela Nicole

When my family and I moved from Colorado to Western New York, it wasn’t the easiest transition. We went from a neighborhood with friends across the street to practically the middle of nowhere with no visible neighbors unless you walked down the road. Being ten and homeschooled with only my siblings for company, it took time to get adjusted to our new life. I wouldn’t say it back then, but now I wouldn’t change a thing. I don’t think I’d be an author today if we hadn’t moved or I hadn’t been homeschooled, other things and people would’ve occupied my time. I truly believe it would’ve taken me much longer to realize I have a knack for writing or to even sit down and attempt writing.
I still remember the day I surprised my mom by getting out of writing a book report if I let her read my book. Since then, I’ve written the second book in the series, started the third, and typed out a handful of short stories (some having to do with the Shift series and some just random stories). I also have a small collection of books I’ve started and hope to finish at some point.
I still live in Western New York but now with three feisty cockatiels, two cats, and a rambunctious English Shepard.
(Mikaela Nicole, 2021)
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