I’m not one of those writers that started in college. When I attended Indiana University on the beautiful campus of Bloomington, Indiana. I took Art as my major and English Literature as my minor. Strange to say, I enjoyed my Lit classes more than the Art classes. In the 1970s, teaching traditional design and art basics was replaced by delving into a more conceptual art experience.
College was picked up at a university closer to home where I made a wrong decision and got married. Soon, my decisions were reckless until I settled down and had three glorious boys. In the late 1990s, they went out on their own. I began going back to my literary passion and took two courses in English Composition and Creative Writing. I knew I had landed into something I loved, a little late. I possessed a drive that hasn’t stopped.
I have seventeen years under my belt in the field of writing fiction. Only two years ago my short stories began getting published. Longer pieces of fiction, novellas and full-blown novels were saturated with the mystery genre, touching on horror. Seven years ago, I discovered a fairly unknown legend originating from the Philippines. In March of 2020, Covid-19 came to Indiana. I put all my energy into rewriting my first effort, “Blood And Eggs”. I changed the title, and strengthened the main character, Detective Glenda McMahan. I produced a credible horror legend into the realm of a serial crime drama in a Midwestern detective division. Hence, came my published novel, “The Islands Tell Of It”.
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The Islands Tell Of It