Hailing from a veritable horde of former Portuguese emigrants, Bruno Goncalves was fortunate enough to grow up in South Africa. Returning to his home country at the age of sixteen, he brought with him an adventurous frame of mind and a native understanding of the English language.
His first attempts at writing had already taken place in Cape Town at the tender age of twelve, where he usurped his grandfather’s typewriter and made a valiant attempt at writing fanfiction of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series. He failed miserably in this attempt. He would renew his plans for world domination eighteen convoluted years later.
In the meantime, Bruno tried his hand at artistic ceramics, restaurant promotion (pamphlet-distribution while wearing a colorful Mexican sombrero – dogs barked at him a lot), serving tables, studying Physics Engineering and serving in the Armed Forces. It was only when he chose to become a police officer, however, that Bruno decided to slow down. By that time, his accumulating life-experiences had coalesced into a desire to become a writer.
Read more about Bruno and his book Descent into Mayhem: Interview
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