After a long career in administrative management positions, Florence Osmund retired to write novels. “It was something I had been thinking about doing for years,” Osmund states. Crafting stories in the literary fiction genre, she strives to challenge readers to survey their own beliefs and values. Wanting to help new and aspiring authors get started, Florence developed a website that includes advice on how to begin, writing techniques, building an author platform, and book promotion. Florence lives in the heart of Chicago on the shore of Lake Michigan where she continues to write books about issues that many other authors avoid.
Nineteen Hundred Days
They Called Me Margaret
Regarding Anna
Living with Markus
Red Clover
The Coach House and Daughters Boxed Set
Website: www.florenceosmund.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/florenceosmundbooks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlorenceOsmund
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/florenceosmund
Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/1WgzPnt