Author Helen Fox
I love nature and all creatures great and small. I live close to a Park where you’ll find me feeding the squirrels and birds. I love all birds, but I am drawn to crows in particular for though they are the least loved of all birds, they are very intelligent and charismatic.
Two adult crows and a younger one would be at the same place every time I went to feed them. When one would fly off, the other two would follow, so I gathered they must be a family; father, mother and their son? Soon I discovered they preferred meaty food to seeds, so I fed them on bacon rinds.
One day, my crows weren’t there, and as I sat on the bench waiting for them, the young one landed on the grass walking anxiously round in circles. Seconds later, he took to the air circling low over the trees and carking his little throat out. Was he calling his parents? Were his carks cries of fear and despair, had his parents abandoned him or been killed?
It was this very scene that inspired me to write ‘George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley’.
(Helen Fox, March 2018)
George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley