Interview – A. Gavazzoni
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When did you start writing novels, what moved you to start writing?
I started writing books when I was ten years old, but two years ago, I decided I would become a professional writer.
Two things motivated me to start writing: first, my love for books, and second, my belief that each book contains magic behind its cover. I wanted to give some magic to the world with my words.
In what genres do you write? Do you plan writing in other genres?
I write psychological and erotic thrillers. I plan to finish the sequel for Behind The Door for now…and then let my imagination guide me. I plan to write great stories, but I don’t take genre into consideration when plotting out my books. Instead, I allow the characters to guide me.
Tell us about your novels. Why should everyone buy them?
Behind the Door is nothing like what is usually found in erotic novels. I was worried about writing a good story and not just cobbling together a bunch of sexual content. The reader will find an enormous amount of suspense. The novel is unpredictable, written to make the readers feel every word, feel emotions, love and hate the characters, and become immersed in a complex psychological story that will really surprise them.
What is your all time favorite thriller?
Can I choose more than one? Okay, so if I can’t, Morris West’s The Devil’s Advocate is my favorite.
You are a lawyer tell our readers how your profession has influenced your novels.
To be an attorney is to be a storyteller—you have to convince the judges the same way you have to convince the readers. An attorney must deal with judgments all day, and I wanted to write about not judging because judgments are usually biased, based on “the book’s cover”. I wanted to show that how people behave is often based on their history, their personal traumas and dramas… I wanted to convey the idea that everybody has a good side, and a lot of people have a bad side, which is something I learned from my years defending clients. Being a lawyer definitely had an enormous influence on my work.
Tell us a bit about your writing process.
Ideas just come to me…while I’m working, in court, driving, shopping…and I can imagine an entire scene. If I’m far from a computer, I take notes on my cell phone or I send messages to myself, and then as soon as I can, I write everything down. I let the text rest for one to two days, and then I read it again and fix it…the best I can, anyway, because I’m Brazilian and not a native English speaker. After I make changes, I send the text to my beautiful editor Jill, and she helps with smoothing the translation to English.
What author would you love to have dinner with?
John Grisham! I would love to meet him!
Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.
I love to read, and I read a lot, but I also love to dance and to cook for my friends. Whenever I can, I travel abroad—I love to learn about new cultures and try different dishes. I love art, I enjoy going to museums, castles, and historical houses during my trips.
We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel. Any advice for these brave people?
Never, never give up; believe in yourself, and keep writing, If you really want to become a writer, the most important thing is to have faith in your abilities. Find a good editor who can help you polish your stories before you present them to publishers or to your readers.
How often do you write, daily, every other day or?
I try to write every day. I have a goal of at least a thousand words per day, but sometimes it’s really impossible because I’m still an active lawyer, and I have to take care of my clients. But almost every day I do manage to write a little bit.
Do you keep a notebook with ideas for your novels? If so do you carry the notebook with you so you won’t forget any ideas?
I keep notes on my cell phone, and yes, I carry it with me all the time.
Being a lawyer and writing thrillers, it must be very important to do a good deal of research when you write a book. How important is it in this genre to have your facts right?
A psychological thriller requires tons of research. I would feel irresponsible writing about a deep subject without doing very serious research. I put a lot of work into creating every psychiatric patient—I read a lot of books, reports, etc., and all of my characters’ psychological issues are based on this scientific research.
To build my psychopath, I also read a lot about criminal psychopathic behavior. I read books written by former FBI agents, for instance, and I also watched different movies and series that portrayed people with these kinds of psychological issues.
To write a believable book, an author needs more than just his or her imagination. He or she must be willing to do a lot of hard work and serious research.
What are you reading at the moment?
Stephen Clarke’s The Merde Factor. It’s funny.
Certainly you have had some interesting episodes as an author, fans related or others, share one of them with us.
A fan told me he wanted to marry me but then he revised his proposal and said he would like to marry my brains.
A final message for our circleofbooks.com readers.
Writing is a passion, so you have to feel the emotions and then write about them. If you don’t feel anything, your readers won’t, either, and you won’t be able to transport them into your story world. When you write, you need to open your heart more then your mind and expose it to the world.
Thank you A. Gavazzoni. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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