Interview – Denise Turney

– When did you start writing, what moved you to start writing?
For me, writing dips into childhood. I have been true to the inner revelation that I am a writer since I was a young 10 years old.
– Tell us about your books.
Portia is my first book, a classic as it was the only book of its kind when it came out. That takes us back to July 1998. Looking back, I see that I have written one smaller, then one 300+ page novel followed by a traditional novel. It’s been that way with my novels which include Portia, Spiral, Long Walk Up, Love Has Many Faces, Love Pour Over Me, and Escaping Toward Freedom. Rosetta The Talent Show Queen is my first middle-school book. Two years ago, I published Rosetta’s Great Action Adventure, a fun book where Rosetta showcases her skateboarding skills, builds friendships and puts together an event that benefits the local zoo and runaways. It Starts With Love, Enduring Success: Living Beyond Fear, and Heal Gorgeous: Wisdom Within Knows The Way are works of non-fiction, books within the self-help space. I’m currently finalizing a new mystery novel! Working title of that story is The Whooten Forest Mystery. Look for this new mystery later this year!
– What is your all time favorite novel/book? What makes it special?
Oh-my-goodness! I have read hundreds, if not a thousand or more books! There is no single favorite. I appreciate stories that grab me emotionally, make me think, and cause me to “miss them” when the story ends.
– Tell us a bit about your writing process, and how often do you write?
I used an outline while writing one to two novels. However, I am mainly a pantser (write by the seat of my pants, as the story reveals itself). That shared, most of my non-fiction (if not all of my non-fiction books) are written from an outline. It helps to keep me focused and on-track while writing non-fiction. Writing fiction from an outline feels too limiting. I prefer to let a fiction story reveal itself.
– What author would you love to have dinner with?
Gwendolyn Brooks. Although no longer in a body, Gwendolyn Brooks’ poetry is what inspired me, in part, to start writing, so I’d love to spend time with her.
– Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.
I love to travel, visit museums, meet new people, and learn! I love to learn and explore! I also love being outdoors in nature!
– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first book, any advice for these brave people?
Sit down and start writing. Get the story down first. You can go back later and start to edit, sharpen, and polish the story. For now, simply focus on telling the story.
– What are you reading at the moment?
I am reading Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and Coming Home to Myself by Wynonna Judd.
– How is it to be an author in your country? Do you have a good support from the local public?
It’s wonderful being an author. Support for me comes from my family and the confidence to market and promote what I write. There’s a beautiful tribe of authors who attend book festivals, cultural events, etc. who support and cheerlead one another. I truly appreciate being part of that community.
– Certainly you have had some interesting episodes as an author, fans related or others, share one of them with us.
Among the most inspiring interactions I have had with readers is when readers share how my writings have impacted their lives. One woman read “Spiral” and told me that she decided to forgive which shocked me, as “Spiral” is a thrilling mystery book. Another reader told me that they decided to keep living after reading “Portia”. those experiences stay with me, move me deeply and make me appreciate my craft even more. Once I was attending a large festival and the organizer’s had run out of seats on “authors’ row”. So, I was placed in the food court. What a blessing! I sold loads of books just because I was sitting near food vendors! That’s another experience that stays with me. Location matters! I simply absolutely LOVE to write! And I appreciate each reader and each person who supports literacy, authors, readers, and community!
– A final message for our circleofbooks.com readers.
Believe in your inner good! Go after the good that you want to experience, create, or achieve! Go get it!
Thank you Denise Turney. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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