Interview Ellie Douglas

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Interview – Ellie Douglas

author Ellie Douglas picture

front cover Hounded by Ellie Douglasfront cover Hounded 2 by Ellie Douglasfront cover Fear Inducer by Ellie Douglas


– When did you start writing stories/novels, what moved you to start writing?

I started writing as a young girl, then stopped for a while, picked it up again after my first born, then stopped to have more kids and carried on again from 1990 to date.

What moved me to write was wanting to get my stories onto paper, because my head was filled with untold stories and it still is.

– In what genres do you write? Do you plan writing in other genres?

My genre is ‘horror’ though I have written a successful psychological erotic novel too which was picked up by a publisher. However I do prefer to write ‘horror’.

– Tell us about your novels. Why should everyone buy them?

Have you ever wanted to read a book that had a bit of everything in it? Humor? Action? Love? Romance? Gore? Thriller? Horror? Well that is how I write my books. I incorporate all of that with the main focus on horror. Everyone of my novels have characters that you will love and hate and it to me is the most important aspect of writing. To have solid believable characters. You should buy my books because they are very entertaining and very scary. I’m the woman version of Stephen King, well that is what I am told often. I’m starting to believe that myself now.

– What is your all-time favorite novel? What makes it special?

My all time favorite novel is ‘Misery’ by Stephen King and what makes it special is the intense dialogue, the character’s and the tension of the sickening way the protagonist treats her victim. It is filled with gore, horror, suspense, action and horrifying torture. I absolutely love it.

– Tell us a bit about your writing process.

My writing process is very unorthodox in terms of I have no process. I write when I can and just go for it. I don’t plot things out and I don’t have endings in sight. Once I start a story I will then start making notes on the characters and get them built up and most often I tend to know the ending before reaching the middle of my story. I’m the go with the flow writer 🙂

– What author would you love to have dinner with?

That is such an easy answer. Stephen King.

– Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.

I love being creative, before I started writing seriously my biggest passion was photography which then took me on the path of Photoshop and that took me to creating book covers, banners, logos etc. Something I absolutely love to do. I love music and dancing and spending time with my kids.

– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel, any advice for these brave people?

My advice is if you are wanting to be a writer then go for it. Start writing. Put it all down on paper, no one’s first draft is a Picasso. Once you have written your first book, you’ll need people to proof read it, IE beta readers. You’ll also need an exceptional editor and a graphics designer for the book cover. Come see me for that 🙂 Be brave and most importantly ‘believe in yourself’.

– How often do you write, daily, every other day or?

If the mood strikes I will grab it and write every day. Sometimes distractions pull me away from my writing and that happens often when one is a busy mum of four. I will find the time and prefer my work environment to be quiet, so I’ve found the best time for me to be doing my writing is while the kids are at school.

– Do you keep a notebook with ideas for your novels? If so do you carry the notebook with you so you won’t forget any ideas?

Yes, I have several notebooks, sticky notes too and a massive whiteboard. I haven’t had to carry my notebook with me, simply because if I get an idea it is easier to jot it down on my cell phone and then send that to my email.

– How important is research when writing your books?

Research is just as important as the air we need to breathe. I’m constantly researching.

– What are you reading at the moment?

I’m currently reading Ken Stark‘s Jitters and it is brilliant as is all of his books. He is another of my favorite authors.

– Certainly, you have had some interesting episodes as an author, fans related or others, share one of them with us.

That is a very good question. I believe to date the most interesting thing to have happened to me to date has been winning the book awards that I have won. Three of them and all for my book, ‘Hounded.’ It was such a honor and a very proud moment to be a winner in the New Apple Awards, The People’s Choice Awards and the Topshelf Magazine nominee awards.

– A final message for our readers.

A final message for your readers; If you love horror then I know you’ll love my books. Be safe and happy and remember you are important, you are heard and you matter. It is important that everyone knows that we all have the abilities to love and be loved so I sign off with this with my greatest love for you all 🙂 xxx

Thank you Ellie Douglas. We at wish you much success!

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