Interview – Fiona Ingram

– When did you start writing novels, what moved you to start writing?
Although my background is in the arts and publishing, I always worked as an editor and journalist, which is non-fiction. The family trip to Egypt was the spark to start my fiction writing career. From then on, the adventures just kept coming and I just kept writing. I also write Regency romance fiction under a pseudonym and I began writing those historical novels for my mom (now passed) who was a big fan.
– Tell us about your books. Why should everyone buy them?
My middle grade adventures are perfect for young and young-at-heart explorers. The young heroes go to different exotic locations, definitely out of their comfort zones, and discover new cultures, mythology, history and geography all rolled up into new adventures as they work to complete their quest. I do meticulous research so any educator can feel comfortable using my books as a teaching tool to show kids that history is amazing and fun. My historical romances are clean, fun, and light-hearted stories to while away an afternoon or to escape into the past of Jane Austen and the Regency era.
– What is your all time favorite novel/book? What makes it special?
I have so many that it’s hard to choose. I love a good adventure, so I am a big Clive Cussler fan. However, I also love the zany quirky world of Terry Pratchett for some off the charts hilarity. Needless to say, Jane Austen’s books are my go-to for a quiet reading session as well. When I buy a book, I buy it to keep so I try to buy books I know I will return to again and again. Because all my writing involves research, I also read a lot of non-fiction.
– Tell us a bit about your writing process.
I’m fortunate in that when I began book one of the MG series, The Secret of the Sacred Scarab, by the time I was at the halfway mark I knew my young heroes could not save the world in one book. They needed more adventures. I began researching then and at the end of the first book, I had the remaining six books mapped out with the plots and their historical backgrounds. So writing the adventures is actually easy. My romance books follow a different pattern. I just think of a catchy title (yes, I promise this is how I do it) and then let my imagination create a story to match the title.
– What author would you love to have dinner with?
Jane Austen and if she is not available, then Terry Pratchett.
– Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.
I love traveling to different countries because I love history, geography, mythology, diverse cultures, and I love learning new things. My background and education are in the arts so books, music, ballet, theater, movies etc. are pastimes I enjoy.
– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel, any advice for these brave people?
1. Never give up. 2. Make sure your book meets the highest standards of the publishing industry so, yes, spend the money on an editor, a layout artist and a cover designer. 3. Tell someone every day about your book because word of mouth is the best form of advertising and it is free.
– How often do you write, daily, every other day or?
It depends on my editing and teaching schedule. I squeeze in writing as much as I can and then when I get a break in the daily grind, I go for it. However, I spend a lot of time thinking about my current book while doing housework, laundry, and walking the dogs. Thinking about your story and seeing it unfold in your head is as important as sitting down and writing.
– How important is it to get your facts right and are there any instances when you bend history to fit your story?
I never, ever bend history to fit my story. True and accurate historical facts and deep research are integral to any story. Lately TV production houses are churning out so-called ‘historical series’ which have twisted history into a weird version of what they think it should be. This is unfortunate since many young people who do not read think they are getting a history lesson, but they are only getting shallow entertainment. Any parent or teacher picking up my MG series can be assured that I have done intensive research. Any reader picking up my historical romances can sit back and enjoy a properly-researched tale.
– What are you reading at the moment?
Darkest Hour: How Churchill Brought England Back from the Brink by Anthony McCarten. I am a big fan of Winston Churchill and I enjoy reading about the two World Wars.
– How is it to be an author in your country? Do you have a good support from the local public?
I am not actually in my own country. I was born and raised in South Africa which is not really conducive to becoming well-known. It is hard for authors to make the headlines. I now live in Cyprus which is a completely different place with a small English-speaking population. I have had much success in the US surprisingly, by virtue of hard work doing blogs, writing articles, and generally doing my own publicity.
– Certainly you have had some interesting episodes as an author, fans related or others, share one of them with us.
I love doing book readings and I have had some fun times. The most memorable was when I read at a reading center in quite a poor area. It catered for an underprivileged young readership, ages 12 to 16. I was invited by the dedicated woman who runs it. I read from The Secret of the Sacred Scarab. This woman had gone all out to host me and my book. She had made snacks and cool drinks for the kids and had encouraged them to do creative projects about ancient Egypt. Kids had made models of pyramids and monuments, written poems, and everyone had dressed up. Many moms must have sacrificed bed sheets, make-up, and costume jewelry for their kids’ Egyptian costumes and adornments. What a turn out. I have had many book readings but this one moved me the most.
– A final message for our circleofbooks.com readers.
If you are a budding author, forge ahead, don’t look at what everyone else is doing; run your own race. If you are a parent, remember that teaching your child to love reading is the greatest gift any parent can give.
Thank you Fiona Ingram. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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