Interview Lisa Jacovsky

– When did you start writing novels, what moved you to start writing?
I started writing short stories when I was seven years old. I wrote for a long time until about high school when I needed to write for school. I had been feeling like I wanted to write again around 2017 but I did not know yet what I wanted to write. Then in 2018 I received inspiration and the story just flowed so easily. In my field I have seen some different patterns. I was at work one day when a parent told me how my client had been at the park playing with another little one but due to difficulties with communication it was hard to play. This was the final push I needed to write my series. I wanted to write a book that would encourage children to be determined and not walk away because its hard to communicate or play together. Writing about what I know well is something I love to do.
– In what genres do you write? Do you plan writing in other genres?
Currently I write childrens books and childrens short stores. I have been asked to write a short chapter book for older children that are teenagers. This is something I am considering and can happen in the future.
– Tell us about your books. Why should everyone buy them?
I think the first book is a great conversation starter when it comes to understanding Autism. I think it is a great example of a child being determined to look beyond barriers. I also think it is a great example of a family allowing their child with Autism to do something fun and not let the diagnosis stand in the way. My second book will see the girls go to the zoo, another adventure. They will encounter another social issue many children face as well. Each book is going to show the two main characters enjoying a new experience. I think this is so important to show our families with a child with Autism. To show families Autism is not a deficit that can hold them back and they should encourage their child to always try any and everything. It shows that a child with Autism can successfully engage in these different activities or adventures the girls go on. Also, tackling social issues shows what children can face and how successfully they can move past these issues. There are many things children with Autism face that a family that does not have a child with the disorder may not realize. I think it is a good way to show families these issues and encourage the families to be open and try to find solutions for these issues. I think this series is a great way for families to connect and learn about important issues. Also, I think it’s a great resource to inspire our children to look beyond any boundary or obstacle and continue to live life the way they want to and not how someone else thinks they should.
– What is your all time favorite novel/book? What makes it special?
My favorite book is Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. He is one of my favorite authors. I love the story in Neverwhere and have read it twice and may a third time. The story is about this magical under world of New York City. It is captivating with mystery and intrigue and even ends In a cliffhanger. All fans of this book have wanted a sequel and hopefully one day there will be one. Neil Gaiman is such a brilliant storyteller being able to weave words in such a way you cannot put the book down. Stories like his are my favorite to read and Neverwhere is just different and special.
– Tell us a bit about your writing process.
My writing process is a bit unique. I will get an idea and go to write it down immediately sometimes in my phone. If it is written in my phone, I will wait a while and then piece all the parts together. When I am sitting to write my computer, I have to put my music on. I have two different channels on Spotify and usually put on the Daddy Yankee channel. It is some of my favorite music. For some reason music helps me concentrate. I end up blocking the music out and just go write though. Then after a while ill realize I blocked out the music and come back to hear what is on currently. It is interesting. Then I’ll read what I wrote and realize how much I wrote. I rarely need to make edits to. This happens when I am writing papers for school or research too. It does not take me long to write, at most an hour. Sometimes ill take breaks and come back to write or sometimes I’ll have written all I need to. Its pretty interesting but music is such a large part of my process I am grateful it helps me to focus.
– What author would you love to have dinner with?
Neil Gaiman, absolutely. I follow him on facebook and would love to pick his brain about his process and his thought behind why he wrote his books. American Gods and Anansi Boys are two of my favorite books. I would love to know how he wrote them and his inspiration for them. The worlds he creates in his books are amazing and just understanding where they came from would be incredible.
– Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.
Hobbies other than writing is traveling. I love to travel and explore this beautiful world we have. I love places that are more culture based and not so modern. I love any place that has a large connection to animals as well. South Africa has been my favorite place to visit so far and I plan to visit there next year in 2022 again. I have a trip to Costa Rica in April and cannot wait to explore the beautiful rain forests and different sanctuaries for animals they have. I also have a passion for animals. I love being around animals and hope to start a rescue in the future that has a more natural setting and less cages. I also love to read and have been reading more books that connect to my field. But my favorite genres to read are thrillers or about the supernatural. I love trying new things and am constantly looking for something new to do or try. I have a large bucket list and have been making sure to cross off different things each year.
– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel, any advice for these brave people?
Do not give up and do not be afraid. Just because a traditional publisher does not believe your book is the right fit does not mean the book is not good; it is and just needs to find its audience. I would self-publish then and that is exactly what I did. Now, I have a successful first book and am in the process of self-publishing the second book in my series. Enjoy writing, enjoy the publishing process and don’t ever give up.
– How often do you write, daily, every other day or?
I write in some capacity whether for an article for a website, my dissertation for school, one of my research articles or working on one of my books daily. It really depends on what needs attention that day and what I have inspiration for.
– How important is it to have your facts right and are there any instances when you bend history to fit your story?
For me and the topic I am writing about it is particularly important to get the facts right. Autism is something that is beautiful, and it is important to be honest about it. There is so much incorrect information out there, it is important to ensure the facts are correct in my book to ensure families are informed in the right way.
– What are you reading at the moment?
Currently I am starting the seventh book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.(affiliate link)
– How is it to be an author in your country? Do you have a good support from the local public?
It is so wonderful to be an author in my country, the USA. There is this whole writing community I never knew about. Everyone is so supportive it really is amazing. I have been welcomed by this amazing writing community and am so thankful for the support. My family and friends have been amazing. And anyone else who has bought and read my book who is a stranger has been so nice and supportive, I am grateful for all of the positive feedback I have gotten.
– Certainly you have had some interesting episodes as an author, fans related or others, share one of them with us.
I think the most interesting things that have happened so far to me as an author is the different live interviews for podcasts and radio shows I have done. The people who have been amazing enough to give me these opportunities have been so welcoming and made me feel so comfortable. It is not easy to be so vulnerable as to write and publish a book and having someone that is a stranger make feel comfortable and accepted helps more than they know. I was so nervous during each one and the minute the person starts talking i immediately relax. That support is so helpful too and I am thankful for it. Going live on a podcast there are no do overs and you can easily make a mistake but working with such professionals has been amazing.
– A final message for our circleofbooks.com readers.
My final message is that I hope you understand the message my book series is providing. I hope that your family and children connect with my characters and become open to any other person, child, teen, or adult. Let’s create a different world full of acceptance together.
Thank you Lisa Jacovsky. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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