Interview Neil David Chan

– When did you start writing books, what moved you to start writing?
I write non-fiction. I started writing 4 years ago. Lets just say I received a divine feeling and dictation to write on this subject.
– In what genres do you write? Do you plan writing in other genres?
New Age Spirituality – Metaphysical Philosophy – I plan to fictionalize this in my second book into a Sci-Fi in a faraway planet- Another way, Earth could have evolved.
– Tell us about your books. Why should everyone buy them?
My book will give you nothing, but here is what you can lose – Your anger, your loneliness, your depression, your fear, your anxiety and become a loving, and joyful, living in peace with this world. Aren’t these worth loosing to gain a new life?
– What is your all time favorite novel/book? What makes it special?
By the author – Ben Bova – Voyagers – New Earth . It’s also a new way of thinking another metaphysical concept.
– Tell us a bit about your writing process.
I write from my feelings. My feelings shows me my path to write. You could say my feelings are my muse.
– What author would you love to have dinner with?
Ben Bova and Brad Thor.
– Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.
I love to hike, see nature in its many forms and learn about peaceful co-existence. I love to travel to see, observe and learn from new cultures.
– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel, any advice for these brave people?
Write that is important to you, write what you are passionate about. Write with your feelings.
– How often do you write, daily, every other day or?
I write over weekends and at times deep into the night, when the world is silent.
– Do you keep a notebook with ideas for your books? If so do you carry the notebook with you so you won’t forget any ideas?
My feelings tell me what to write and it comes whenever you ask for it. It is like a call on demand – That is your soul, always at your disposal, always ready to help you.
– How important is it to have your facts right and are there any instances when you bend history to fit your story?
When the words come from your soul, nothing is false, there is no need to bend history. The truth will set us free. History is our past, I do not depend on it to create a future. I base everything on my NOW, this moment. When you live in the moment, history becomes unnecessary. But I do respect history, after all we passed through it to be here now.
– What are you reading at the moment?
Brad Thor – NEAR DARK and Alan Cohen’s – A Course in Miracles – Made Easy.
– How is it to be an author in your country? Do you have a good support from the local public?
I am just starting to be known. I love Canada, a great place to be in. My support is beginning to grow. Metaphysical philosophy is a difficult subject to absorb, It takes time.
– Certainly you have had some interesting episodes as an author, fans related or others, share one of them with us.
One day as I was on my morning run, I saw a flock of geese crossing my path, on their way from the lake to the grass field beyond. I stopped to let them cross. They stopped too and came towards me and gathered around me. It was as if they were saying thank you for showing us some respect and now we want to show you ours. I thought to myself, what if all humans had the same attitude – our world would be such a great place. The geese went their way and I resumed my morning run. A brief encounter with co-existence.
– A final message for our circleofbooks.com readers.
All of you, everyone of you are special. Don’t let anyone or anything tell you otherwise. Not sure, ask your soul, talk to it – And be surprised.
Thank you Neil David Chan. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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