Interview Rachael Elizabeth Lee

– When did you start writing novels, what moved you to start writing?
I started writing as a child I was always making up characters and sharing them with friends and family.
– In what genres do you write? Do you plan writing in other genres?
Right now, I plan on writing my humor stories about my dogs. I do plan on writing horror, psychological thrillers in the future.
– Tell us about your novels. Why should everyone buy them?
Yani and Molly is a funny book and I feel everyone who owns a dog or cat can associate with the stories in the book. People should buy my book because it will make them laugh especially when we have so much ugliness going on in the World today.
Readers should purchase A Little Girl Shattered because so many people can relate to my story. Both men and women who have been victims of childhood sexual abuse or rape can understand the lifetime of truama it causes. The readers can relate to the nightmares I have experienced. Also domestic abuse survivors can relate to my story. It is a story of hope and overcoming trauma. I placed links in my book for people to call to get help. This is the reason why readers should purchase my book.
Readers should purchase Trafficking the Disappearance of Lily Rose Flannery because it tells the story of how sex slaves are treated. They are broken down, raped, beaten, they are not free to leave and they are addicted to drugs by those who are using them as forced labor. They don’t get proper medical care, they often have STD’s that go untreated. The book also goes into how the family is coping with their daughter being missing. This book could save lives, it is a story that needs to be told to educate people on human trafficking. I put links in for the United States and other countries so if a young girl reads my book, she can call and get help. Also I put the links in so people who suspect trafficking is going on. They can call in a tip and save someones life. That is why readers need to purchase my book.
– What is your all time favorite novel/book? What makes it special?
There is so many books I love.
My favorite book is Misery, what makes it special is. I was not supposed to be reading it I was only 8 or 9 years old at the time.
– Tell us a bit about your writing process.
I like to write while listening to Ozzy, Pink Floyd or classical music.
– What author would you love to have dinner with?
I would love to have dinner with Stephan King. I would also love to have dinner with John Dillinger (I know he was not an author).
– Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.
Hiking, fishing, playing the piano, the clarinet, cooking and reading.
– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel, any advice for these brave people?
Just write what is in your heart, market yourself and promote your books.
– How often do you write, daily, every other day or?
I usually write every day.
– Do you keep a notebook with ideas for your novels? If so do you carry the notebook with you so you won’t forget any ideas?
No, I will usually stop what I am doing and type it into my laptop or text myself on my phone.
– How important is it to have your facts right and are there any instances when you bend history to fit your story?
Having the facts straight is extremely important, there was not an incident when I had to bend history while writing. When I wrote my life story, I got police reports, spoke with police officers and found old newspaper articles. If you do not have your facts straight then you look incompetent as a writer and people will not believe what you write next or have to say.
– What are you reading at the moment?
I am reading Doctor Sleep at this time; I want to finish rereading it before the movie comes out on DVD.
– How is it to be an author in your country? It is very hard this is a cut throat business. Do you have a good support from the local public?
I have support from my family and friends.
– Certainly you have had some interesting episodes as an author, fans related or others, share one of them with us.
I do not like Twitter I attract the weirdos, maybe because I am a weirdo myself? I got an offer to marry a Russian bride on Twitter. I get marriage proposals on Twitter all the time. I like Facebook and Instagram a lot more. I also had a ton of fake Johnny Depp’s following me on my original Twitter account. Nobody really bothers me on Facebook or Instagram.
– A final message for our circleofbooks.com readers.
Believe in yourself, never give up and be kind to others. Say hi to a stranger, you may just make their day and never judge someone because you do not know what struggles they are facing.
Thank you Rachael. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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