Interview Sophia Dias

– When did you start writing novels/books, what moved you to start writing?
In 2015 I was going through some excruciatingly painful experiences in my life with a bad marriage, and I thought by writing it down and by expressing myself in that way would lessen the pain. Eventually it turned into an autobiography (The Sophia Dias Story, unpublished) – but through that writing experience is where Sábio came from. When I was 16, I started traveling to attend culinary schools all over the world. One year I was in Paris, France, and then off to Sardinia, Italy. The following year I was on a boat in Switzerland learning how to clean fish. It was an audacious task to collect all those details for the autobiography, and luckily I found my notebooks for over twenty-five years ago. Gathering all those details inadvertently turned into another book. Therefore, one way you can look at it was that I started writing Sábio when I was 16 years old.
– Do you plan writing in other genres?
If I did, it would be fashion related. When I launched my fashion line, DIAS, in Milan, Italy in 2014, I was making some unique observations that would make for a good collection of stories about business. One small example: I noticed how if I chose not to wear my wedding bann, the women would treat me differently and be less welcoming.
– Why should everyone buy your book?
Why not!?! There’s only one Sophia Dias and I believe I’m quite unique and exotic!
– What is your all time favorite novel/book? What makes it special?
I don’t have a one favorite novel, but I have read all of Paulo Coelho‘s books. I adore that man’s writing style because it’s simple and fresh. Of course I enjoy reading culinary books, and in that case I would have to say that Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential is top of the list. It’s iconic and a classic in my opinion.
– Tell us a bit about your writing process.
I haven’t got a process, but since my books are based upon travel – which I’ve done so much of over my life – now, the writing generally comes during traveling. I’ll write in an airport, in a hotel room, in a bus, in a taxi, on a ferry. You name it!
I guess one aspect of my “process” is to always write when the idea comes to me. Most of the time I write on a computer or a notebook, but occasionally it’s been a sticky note, a napkin or my hand!
– What author would you love to have dinner with?
I would absolutely love to have dinner with… in fact, I’ll cook for him… Mr. Paulo Coelho. I would love to look into his eyes and see if I can figure out how he gave birth to Santiago, who is the main character of his book, The Alchemist.
With that said, I have a second answer to this question, specifically because I think I’m one of the few people interviewed by Circle of Books who can give you this answer: I have actually had dinner with the author of one of my all-time favorite writers, Anthony Bourdain. I met him in Istanbul in 2010 at the Kempinski Grand Hotel Gulsoy. He was there with his team for a week doing some filming in the city, and I happened to be there at the same time. The hotel was formerly a palace with huge open grounds where people are free to roam around it. I happened to see them in the lobby near the restaurant and went over to introduce myself. Mr. Bourdain had a magnetic personality and energy, and treated everybody… everybody the same. He was a very special person.
– Tell us about your hobbies and passions other than writing.
You’re going to regret asking me that!
My hobbies are very simple: I’ve been a runner all my life. On a good day, I’ll run 12 kilometers. On a very good day, I’ll run 14 kilometers. On a bad day, I’ll run 7 kilometers. I enjoy playing squash which I’ve done ever since I was a child. I’m very passionate about cricket which I watch. My favorite team is the West Indies, with Pakistan as my second favorite.
Of course, the other passion would be food. I love good food… and butter!
– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel, any advice for these brave people?
Follow your heart. Just do it. Why not! I did it.
– Do you keep a notebook with ideas for your novels? If so do you carry the notebook with you so you won’t forget any ideas?
All the time! And when I don’t have my notebook with me, as I said before… I’ll write on my pants, on my hands, on napkins! Anywhere!
– What are you reading at the moment?
At this very moment I’m reading two books: One is called Citizens of London which is a true story about three Americans and Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
The other book which I’m reading for the tenth or twelth time… possibly twentieth time is Bourdan’s Kitchen Confidential… again.
– How is it to be an author in your country? Do you have a good support from the local public?
I live in America, but I have lived across many other countries growing up and both of my books are relatively new for me to give you an accurate answer. I will tell you this, as I’m in Istanbul as we do this interview, the people I’ve run into here are very excited for Sábio.
Thank you Sophia Dias. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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