Interview Stephanie Hansen

– What is your all time favorite novel/book? What makes it special?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is one of my all-time faves!!! I read it while relearning to walk in ICU and it definitely helped me channel Lisbeth Salander’s strong character
– Tell us a bit about your writing process.
I brainstorm a very tentative outline using things like a detective board to keep different story lines organized with character details included. Then I write chapters a chunk at a time (usually 3-5). Based on how the story unfolds, I will update the outline with more detail for the next chunk of chapters. I often have to read through previous chunks before writing the next chunk. Once I’m complete, I will read through the entire first draft to see what I missed , what I need to correct, and what I can add. Then I send it off to my agent and she gives a thorough content review. After that (because I tend to throw grammar out the window when I’m focusing on getting the story on the page) I send to my editor for a line edit. Finally, the publisher edits the manuscript in a few rounds before any book of mine is ready to be seen in public.
– We have many followers who would like to start writing a book or are already writing their first novel, any advice for these brave people?
Have fun! If you truly enjoy writing, the process itself should be enough. The right critique group can make the process much less lonely and help you create a better manuscript than you would have without them. In today’s industry there are many viable options available as far as publication. Be sure to fully research before making decisions.
– How often do you write, daily, every other day or?
I write daily but there are certain seasons and periods during the year that are more difficult to find time for it. But when I do finally find that time I’m happy I did. Writing takes me to a place of serenity.
– How important is it to get your facts right and are there any instances when you bend history to fit your story?
For certain genres it’s very important to get facts correct. In historical fiction it might not be good to include a plane in the story that wasn’t created until decades later. While I enjoy scientific research I also think it’s great when fiction creativity that might not be fully factual inspires progression.
– What are you reading at the moment?
I’m currently reading The Vanishing Half for book club! 🙂
All the best, Stephanie.
Thank you Stephanie Hansen. We at circleofbooks.com wish you much success!
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