Author Robert Blanchard
I was born in Saratoga Springs, NY, and I loved reading as a child. When I first started writing, it was just a hobby, something I enjoyed doing once in a while. But after I was diagnosed with right unilateral vestibular hypofunction (yeah, it’s a mouthful) in 2008, writing became my passion as well as a means of escape. It is truly amazing how a setback that seems so insurmountable can end up shaping your entire life.
I have two boys who share the same goofy and sarcastic traits as me, which means trouble for anyone that knows us. However, they love animals as much as I do, and simply must say hi to every dog they see being walked. I really enjoy cooking and even doing the dishes. Laundry, however, is forbidden (by not one, but two different women) as I apparently lack the skills to fold even a square washcloth.
My first and current series, consisting of The Roar of a Dragon and The Treachery of a Weasel, is intended to be a trilogy, followed by another series in the same world. I am also working on a post-apocalyptic zombie series as well as a book where a homeless teenager fights crime in his city. If there is any advice I can give to aspiring writers, it would be to never give up, as well as to always feel what you are writing—if you don’t, no one else will either.
(Robert Blanchard)
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The Roar of a Dragon Trilogy
Book 1: The Roar of a Dragon

Book 2: The Treachery of a Weasel

Book 3: The Cry of a Raven

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