What Goes on between the Goal Posts by Dennis Launarey

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What Goes on between the Goal Posts for Gals and Guys by Dennis Launarey

Cover What Goes on between the Goal Posts by Dennis Launarey

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A great tool for learning American Football.
Written in a short and precise style that strays away from the encyclopedia type sports book.
Innovative, witty and interactive. Including over 400 images, to keep you involved with ongoing questions, quizzes and “you draw it” diagrams to help you better understand the roles of Offensive and Defensive positions and how they interact with each other on the field.
Great for a total novice or someone with a general knowledge of the game.

A Word from the Author

photo Author Dennis LaunareyI wrote this book for those who struggle to make sense of what goes on during a football game. It’s style unique in that it’s short and precise and strays away from the encyclopedia type sports book.

(Dennis Launarey, August 2016)





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