Anna Othitis

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Anna Othitis

Author Anna Othitis picture



The author of My First Travel Book, Anna Othitis, spent most of her life in Zimbabwe, Africa and moved to the United States of America in the early months of 2003 with the dreams and hopes of starting a new life and in some way, being an inspiration to those who wished to expand their knowledge and minds about the world through sharing personal experiences. It was always a goal for Anna to share her memories of Zimbabwe and other places around the world with the objective of sparking the interest and curiosity of those who wished to one day travel the globe. With the support of her husband George, and her sons Johnny, Elia and Frankie, she is determined to continue to incorporate eye opening experiences into motivational and informative children’s books, and one day, hopefully provide those back in Zimbabwe with the help they need to be able to travel the world themselves as she and her family once wished to do.

(Anna Othitis, February 2017)


Children Books

My First Travel Books Series

Book 1 – My First Travel Book

Front Cover My first Travel book - My first traverl books 1 by Anna Othitis

Book 2 – The Seven Natural Wonders of the Earth

Front Cover The Seven Natural Wonders of the Earth - My First Travel Books by Anna Othitis

Book 3 – The Seven Wonders of the World

Book 4 – Africa’s “Big Five” Wild Animals

Front Cover Africas Big Five Wild Animals- My First Travel Books 4 by Anna Othitis

Cook Books

My Greek Traditional Cook Book 1: A Simple Greek Cuisine

Front Cover My Greek Traditional CookBook 1 by Anna Othitis

My Greek Traditional Cook Book 2: A Simple Greek Cuisine

Front Cover My Greek Traditional CookBook 2 by Anna Othitis







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