WHAM! by Carol Marrs Phipps & Tom Phipps

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Wham! is the first book of the Timewaker scifi/fantasy/dystopian/paranormal series by Carol Marrs Phipps and Tom Phipps

cover Wham! by Carol Marrs Phipps and Tom Phipps

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When the World Alliance seized power from all the governments of the world, they said it was for the greater good. They said it was necessary to unite all the nations of the globe under one banner in order to bring universal peace, equality and prosperity to the world.

To most families throughout the world, the rise of the Alliance and their grandiose promises meant little. They had long grown weary of the lies of the corrupt law-makers and heads of state and were far more concerned with their day-to-day struggles to survive.

The Greenwood family was no exception, and for a time life went on much as it had before the rise of the Alliance. In time, individual cultural and racial identity were outlawed. They said it was for the greater good. They said it was necessary to create a more harmonious, homogenous world community. The Greenwood family adapted.

But then they took away freedom. They made it mandatory for all households and public buildings to have skinwelers, crystal spying balls in every room, in order to watch the people’s every move. They said it was for the greater good. They said it was necessary for public safety and civil order. And the Greenwood family adapted.

But then the state took their family farm and lands and moved them to Gollsport where they had built barracks for all the displaced citizens. They said it was for the greater good. They said the countryside had become contaminated by farm chemicals and the relocation was for their continued health and safety. Once again, the Greenwood family adapted.

But then they came in the night and took away seventeen year-old Tess Greenwood’s entire family. They said it was for the greater good. They said Tess would adapt and in time she would be far better for it.

But Tess cared not for the Alliance’s greater good. She did not adapt. She wanted her family back and vowed to do whatever she must in order to see them again. Little did she know, that to keep her vow, she would have to become a timewalker.

A Word from the Author

photo author carol phippsphoto author tom phippsHave we found ourselves in a day and time when an evil power is about to take control of the entire world? Is that really possible? How would it happen? What would we lose? What would life be like once it happened?

Trapped in a diminished world of the future, would there ever be a way out? It seems pretty hopeless in Timewalker until one of our characters finds a way into the past for a possibility of recovering what was lost by the future. And just what would be in the past that might free the future?
(Carol Marrs Phipps & Tom Phipps, June 2016)



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