Imagine by Jenna Greene

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Imagine is a YA fantasy novel by Jenna Greene.


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A fierce wind and a blast of green light during a strange storm causes everything to change for Katharine Bowers and Becky Thatcher. The girls wake up in Oren, an entirely different realm than their earthly city. They meet Enalie, a fading magical presence who sets an incredible destiny before them… then simply disappears. Left alone to fend off creatures that hunt them in the night, they must relay a magical heritage that doesn’t make sense, and – if possible – save a world that they know nothing about.

A Word from the Author

author-jenna-greene-pictureThough I plan all my stories out, the actions of the characters often surprise me. Their adventures take them places I didn’t expect to go. Writing is an act of expression, but mostly about discovering. It’s raw. It’s emotional. It’s incredible.”
(Jenna Greene, October 2016)




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