The Anchor is the Key by Linda Anthony Hill

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The Anchor is the Key

by Linda Anthony Hill.

full cover The Anchor is the Key by Linda Anthony Hill

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Celeste leads a quiet life as a psychic in a small town. That is… until she is drawn in to a haunting murder investigation. A sweet little old lady client has started spreading the word that Celeste is not only psychic but she is also a healer. She has no desire to be a healer, but now her phone is ringing non-stop. And to top it all off, she seems to have adopted a ghost who has no idea how long he has really been dead.

A Word from the Author

author Linda Anthony Hill picture

Some people say that I channel at least half of my ghost stories. My husband, Del and I own a world famous haunted house (Hill House Manor). So I certainly am exposed to many spirits. I think it may be true. There are times when I can’t type fast enough to keep up with the story unfolding in my mind. Other times I just write. If the spirits do inspire me from time to time I appreciate it and they came up with a doozy this time. Madame Celeste will be a recurring character in future books. She’s a conglomeration of three psychics that I know very well. She’s a down to Earth woman with a sense of humor who just happens to see spirits.

(Linda Anthony Hill, April 2018)


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