The Abduction Chronicles by Thomas L. Hay

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The Abduction Chronicles

by Thomas L. Hay

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Awarded the PIPS Book Quality Award
In order to prevent the extinction of mankind, Tom embarks on a mission to uncover the mysterious secrets behind his abductions.
Who are the abductors? Where are they from? What do they want?
A story based on some mysterious and compelling true life events of the author whose ex-wife claimed they were abducted by aliens during their short marriage.

Join “The Comeback Kid’ on his incredible life’s journey as comes face to face with his abductors.

A Word from the Author

Author Thomas L Hay pictureAfter writing his memoirs, the author realized he had experienced some unusual phenomenon in his life. After their divorce, his ex-wife claimed they were abducted by aliens during there short marriage. He never believed her, thinking that she probably had a few loose marbles, like most alleged UFO abductees are thought to have. But after writing his memoirs, out of nowhere, memories that had been buried in his subconscious, started to resurface. OMG…He discovered his ex was right after all. Not only that, he discovered that they and their abductors were not who his ex had thought them to be.
So, who are the abductors? Where are they from? What do they want? The answers will question his reality.

(Thomas L. Hay, May 2018)

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